
but in the unlikely story that is america,

i hope obama wins the presidential nomination & election. americans are so lucky, no? they get to vote so many times in their lifetime. in singapore, you would be lucky if you got to vote once in your entire life (unless you live in places like potong pasir, of course, but that's another story). if i'm an american, i would vote for obama, no doubt about it. it isn't often that a nominee is a two-time grammy award winner ok. and you know, his full name is actually barack HUSSEIN obama, which i think is quite very very very very very very very very funny.

anyway, today is the 6th day of the lunar new year. i hope your angpow collection is still not yet complete and that in the remaining 9 days of this new year, it will grow to mind-boggling proportions. i've read in the sunday times that the average money per angpow this year is 10 bucks for most people but i think the bloody reporters interviewed the rich people only. boobooboo!

ok, i hope djokovic gets well soon. and do something to his hair. and i need to find a permanent job, babysitting is not very regular (heck, it's not regular at all). i hope mediacorp is hiring. i won't mind being a personal assistant to elvin ng or something! hahahahahahaha. actually, i missed the last episode of shou zu (because i was busy playing with my adorable, handsome and beautiful cousins' babies), which is quite irritating. but then again, considering the standard of the entire season (?), maybe i didn't miss out much after all.

there has never been anything false about hope.


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