
call me a bitch,

it was done using MY pc. MY ink. MY electricity. MY internet. MY everything. so when I say I want it white + black means that it MUST be white + black. END OF STATEMENT. black with hot pink are for whores and sluts anyway. really. X) REALLY LAH. britney spears once wore a black with hot pink bustier okay? and it looks horrendous. DISGUSTING. and besides, i dont want the boys in our class to look like faggots. only faggots wear pink. really. REALLY LAH.

and 'lil princess wannabe doesnt understand english apparently. 'cause even though she reads my blog, she didnt tag. didnt i make it clear in my previous entry? IF YOU WANT TO READ, TAG. IF YOU DONT WANT TO TAG, DONT READ.

and one have comments, what must one do? that's right. tag his/her comments, NOT giving me the evil eye.

of course, you can choose an alternative way. which is to diss me in YOUR blog and announce your blog address to the whole wide world. and then, we shall have a very lovely blog war. -beams.

but, gee. 'lil princess wannabe doesnt want that, doesnt she? her life is too noble to be shared with mere beings like us. awwww. how sad.

-snaps fingers (i know i cant snap. just imagine, can? XD), maybe i should do the same thing like her. keep my blog a secret. -ponders. nah. i'm too much of a show-off. X)

(to the tune of barney's song)
i hate you.
you hate me.
lets hang ng to the tree.
i'll get the axe.
and you'll chop off his head.
now we know that ng is dead.

hopefully that will become a reality tomorrow. X)

'cause i speak what's on my mind.


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