
"i want you on my team."

ooopsieoopsieoops. i think i'm supposed to update or something.

so, yeah, anyway. i'm sick. like, really really sick. like, those you-feel-like-you-are-gonna-die-any-second kind of sick. sigh.

another thing that makes me sicker was news that italy had won the world cup. like, wa lao eh. this team first knocked out the czechs, then the australians. then, after i've decided that the germans are the less-est of the four evils in the semi-final and thus worthy of my support, they have to knock the germans out. idiots.

and ronaldo wants to leave man u because, apparently, england doesnt want him. HAHAHAHA. which country wants you, my dear ronaldo? TELL ME. oh, yah. i know. portugal. but, of course, i'm just kidding. you are very loved. you are loved by all the average-looking people out there . why? WHY? because you just make them feel drop-dead gorgeous, thats why.

sigh. i am still feeling super sick. let me tell you how i got sick. first, my throat got pus. then my eye got swollen. then i have a recurring fever. then a short bout of running nose. and then, ta-da! my dearest cough bacteria/virus came back to visit. nice to see you again too.

ok la, gotta rush to do something now, lest people say i dont have the commitment, initiative, activeness again. GAH.

shall rant another day. bye.

oh, and the new msn is pretty.

"so does everybody else."


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