
now you welcome me,

that princess hours show. why is it that the princess, queen and queen mother in the palace have to wear that traditional korean costume while the men and guards can just wear tuxedos? also, why they must wear all the traditional costumes when they are playing traditional games? like, hello. we dont dress up in tight shorts when we play basketball nowadays, do we? AND AND AND, why is there a western styled palace built within the korean palace? imagine buckingham palace having a mini forbidden city next to it. HA.

but other than those very questionable areas, it's actually quite a nice show. i think the princess is very pretty. sadly, the same cannot be said about the prince. but, i'm quite happy that they ended up together in the end. orange hair just don't have that couple look with the princess.

and, in case you are wondering, i do know their names ok. i just donno how to spell it nor pronounce it.

oh, and korean is quite a nice language to listen to.

speaking of languages, you will naturally think of races. which remind me of an incident in the bus today.

TWO EXTREMELY FAT WOMEN SQUEEZED PAST ME JUST TO GET INTO AN EMPTY SEAT WHILST THE BUS WAS MOVING. honestly to all fat women out there, if you want to get to that empty seat, WAIT. i am not trying to be mean, but really. it is no joke trying to keep your balance while a fat woman is trying to squeeze past you. the same applies for fat man as well.

speaking of buses, there's this really really nice bus uncle who GREETS every single freaking soul that boards the bus. he's really really nice. he even said bye to people who gets down the bus. sad to say, many of the passengers do not appreciate his gestures. most of the people i saw just ignored his greetings. OI, if you don't want to greet at least smile can. it's a wonder how he continued smiling and greeting. if i were him, i would have given up a long time ago.

speaking of bus uncles, i have a burning question. what if bus uncles need to pee halfway through their route?

to a town called hypocrisy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can link anything to everything cant you? haha.


11:06 am  

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