
i think it's incredibly stupid that mas selamat managed to escape from prison detention center. of course, the straits times would like to point out to me that since even the great us of a has had terrorists escaping from their prisons before, it's, you know, reasonably alright for people to escape from our prisons detention centers (seriously, can someone tell me what's the bloody difference?). ok, so they didn't exactly say that, but that's obviously what they're implying, no? why else would they want to inform us that a certain terrorist (can't remember his name) has escaped from us custody before, you tell me?

but, anyway. it's just damn bloody idiotic alright. dustbins were taken away from us in the name of security, and yet we let the most wanted man in singapore slip away via a TOILET. seriously, a TOILET. maybe if he had an elaborate escape plan (a la michael scoefield), i won't be so damn pissed. but he had escaped from a TOILET. A TOILET!!!! he gives hope to all those prisoners who are avid fans of prison break but do not possess the brains of michael scofield.

you know, in other countries, politicians resign over silly matters (like losing an election). in the funny little island like singapore, however, you can let the most wanted man escape from prison detention center to heaven knows where and still keep your cushy job as a minister. and your super duper high (and totally ridiculous) pay. and get away with a "very sorry." even edison chen had a tougher time apologizing can!

i think this is a damn incoherent entry but i'm feeling very anti-government right now. so, there. bye.


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