
it's just the way that i see,

was a bummer.

question 3 of paper 1 talks about the yellow-ribbon thingy. i thought it was talking about pornography. HA! thank goodness i didnt attempt that question.

but, i am proud of myself. 'cause i used plenty of four-letter words! three, to be exact. fine, it wasn't plenty, but still, it IS an big improvement.

alas, paper two was plain shit. >.<>lightbulb between mark and cheryl. jeez. they quite compatible leh. cheryl keeps sniffing and mark keeps coughing. okay, i am one big meanie, i know.

and i really dont know whether to laugh or to cry when i see his face. that white face. eewwkk. and i thought guys like to be tanned? then again, he is not a guy larh. =x

social studies + e-maths paper I is up next. hoping for the best. =)

and i am jealous of the sec 4 n(a) and n(t). i've heard that they got 3 months of holidays! 3 months! that's a friggin' 12 weeks! shit. i should've been born in 1988 and go n(a) then take 'o' levels next year. THREE months!!

btw, i went present-shopping on friday after english. and i ate pizza hut again. lol. oh, and met another asshole-worthy gm guy, or rather, met some other asshole-worthy gm guys on the mrt again. is it just me or are guys that childish to the extend that they like to mimick whatever girls are saying? -smirks. any ol' how, i got the better of them this time round. -smirks. didnt know a simple 'bastard' could do so much. and i am sure that they arent bastards. i am sure they have parents. just like i'm sure i aint a bitch coz i am human. anna's dog is though. couldnt stop teasing her about it. xp hey, come to think of it lassie & ah-fat are bitches too. XD

read today's striats times and they were talking about the buildings in beijing. to be honest, those buildings look like shit. what are those people thinking? but, oh, well, if they are freakin' ugly, so be it. beijing deserves it. =x

this is just in: i've just heard from my brother that there is some Christian-bashing going on (100+ pages worth, if i am not wrong) at live journal just because in singapore idol, jerry stayed on and david got voted off. i am practically laughing my ass off right now. -smirks. like david will be pleased that you guys are so indignant about him getting voted off instead of jerry that you actually bash Christians? didnt it, like, occur to you that david is a Christian too? and so, techically speaking, you are also bashing him? LOL.

go on, continue bashing. in the end, jerry is the one going Heaven, not ya guys. -smirks. go jerry, i'll be rooting for you. for the simple fact that you actually thanked God when you got into the finals. as i've said, call me a religion-ist if you want to. i am sticking to my stand.

and if he gets voted off, -shrugs. God has a purpose for everything He does.

addedum: if jerry cant sing, neither can christopher. so if you wanna bash jerry for his singing skills, why not bash christopher as well? -smirks. but, dont ask me on my opinion about how they sound. i have no idea, even though i've heard jerry sing before. but, uh... i forgot how he sound like. lol. i only remember jeassea (coz she's good!), olinda (she sang michael buble's sway!), beverly (i heard that she was good, so i listened carefully) and taufik (he sang that girl!). XD

you came looking at me.


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