
now everybody do the propaganda,

i was just wondering why on earth am i so interested in the america elections and not singapore's very own elections when i realised:

singapore has practically no elections.

oh, yeah, sure, we've got the general elections which is happening sometime in... uh, when?

then again, who cares when is it going to happen? we all know which party is going to win, isn't it?

our pledge contains this sentence: "to build a democractic society..."

democractic? my foot. communism is more like it. oh, wait. we've a nicer term for it, isn't it? socialism (did i get it correct)? uh-huh. so why don't just change the damn pledge to: "to build a socialism society?" wouldn't it be more honest? after all, they pride themselves as being a "clear," dont they?

look, if we're a democractic society, we would be able to vote for our next prime minister instead of just letting lee hisen loong (did i get his name right?) take it without any competition.

dont believe me? look at other democractic countries:

in america, they vote for their next president.
in australia and britain, they vote for their next prime minister.

oh, heck. we dont even have to go so far.

just look at indonesia. the y guy with the super long surname was elected by the indonesians.
look at thailand, the thaskin wants to get re-elected, by the thais.
in taiwan, chen shuibian won by a small margin of the taiwanese votes.

even malaysia votes for its own party to rule its state.

singapore? as i've said, sure, we've got the so-called elections. but, there is always a clear winner isn't it? the one domineering party?

it isn't like in the states, where republicans & democracts take turns to rule.
pas + bn was thought to be neck in neck in some states, then pas lost badly.
dpp and kmt in taiwan is another example.

get what i mean? singapore is not democractic. at all. and the stupid shit they make us study in sec 4? all propaganda shit. -snorts.

anyway, i'm rooting for bush.

kerry is just plain shit. gay marriages? abortions? isn't he supposed to be a Catholic? and i thought Catholics are very disapproving of abortions? Catholic, my foot. he's just saying that to gain votes since he knows that most church-goers vote for bush. well, too bad. most church-goers still vote for bush. -smirks.

and sing along in the age of paranoia.


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