
it's raining men,

i think our new school is infested with mosquitoes.

i've been nursing mosquitoes' bites since the term began.

by nursing, i mean scratching.

-scratch, -scratch, -scratch.

why is it that mosquitoes' bites are so. darn. itchy. ?

and why is it that everytime i scratch the mosquito bite, i have this sudden urge to scratch all over?

must have been a cat in my past life.


speaking of which, there are so many cats kittens at the area around our school. kind of refreshing. 'cause at my void deck area, there are only cats. full-grown adult cats. here, most of them are tiny little kittens. so cute. -pinches kitten's cheek (if they have one in the first place). too bad most of them are wild little things. run at the sight of humans. what's with cats and their conception that all humans are evil huh?

stupid cats.



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