
if it all ends now,

steve irwin. the crocodile hunter who died due to a stingray's sting. ha.

i guess all of us wanted him to die differently. i guess all of us want him to die, you know, while putting his head into a crocodile's mouth or something. maybe thats when we can wag a finger at him and said, "i told you so."

but, of course, we didnt get to do that. all we got to do was to stare at the news in disbelief. stare at the cause of death in disbelief. i dont know about you, but i dont even know a stingray can sting can? (of course, looking back, i realise i was quite stupid because why else would a stingray be called a stingray if it doesnt sting? but, nvm).

i checked wikipedia and found out that only seventeen people have been killed by stingrays over the past decade. seventeen people. thats like, less than 2 people per year. thats definitely less than the number of people being killed by the big fat crocodiles that mr. irwin loves to play with, isnt it?

its an irony, they say. or maybe God just have a great sense of humour.

no, i am not an steve irwin fan. i didnt watch any of his shows. i guess the fact that i can differentiate between a crocodile and an alligator says it all. or, wait. is there a difference? i have no freaking idea. i love furry things. i have no interest in things that are green and spiky and can eat you up in one big bite.

another death made the headlines today. the death was of that of this young boy. this young boy survived cancer, only to die in a car accident.

God has a sense of humour indeed.

the oldies, my dearest angela pleasant's grandparents died as well. in sim time, they died two days apart. and they fought with the grim reaper and tried to wrestled their life sandclock from him. alas, it was all in vain.

all these deaths just makes me wonder. alot.

and thats not a good thing.

i'm set.


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