
did you learn anything cause in the world today,

you know, i'm surprised that someone of your age, someone whom my mom would say 'eat more salt than i eat rice' doesnt realise that the world wasn't fair, isn't fair and never will be fair. fairness, equity. inequity leads to market failure.

and sometimes, its not a matter of doing what you want but doing what you have to do. humans have unlimited wants. the world has limited resources.

woof, woof.

everybody gets short praises and long scoldings, my dear. you, me, him, her. "ma, i got 16 points for my prelims." response: "ni kan la ni la, zheng tian kan dian shi, wan dian nao, mei you zhuan xin du shu. guai bu de kao de ze yang cha. wo yao jiao kor kor shuo zhu na ge dian nao ah! wo gen ni jiang, ni zui hao chong jin tian kai shi yong gong du shu. blah blah blah." "ma, i got 7 points for my 'o' levels." response: "wah! heng hao lor."

us, humans. we tend to focus on the bad things and overlook the good things, don't we?

i saw the super duper obese cat today. cats, they have such an easy life. eat, sleep, wake up, walk around, eat, sleep. the cycle continues. i think they must be laughing at us, at our pathetic lives.

you have paperwork to do. we have papers yet to do. papers that determine whether we will get a) promoted, b) retained or c) kicked out. i was just reflecting on the school yesterday, reflecting on its seemingly incredible progress, and i wonder if mj is really a ci disguised as a jc. since, you know, most people (according to the mid-year results anyway) have to take 3 years to complete their 'a' levels and all.

being biased towards certain students is something thats prevalent among teachers. some students just get more well-liked than others. more recognition for the work they do than others. more room for mistakes. its sad. ITS NOT FAIR, you would like to say. but, sadly, thats just how the way the world works.

sometimes, when you have a prior commitment, it isnt very nice to just pull out of it the very last second. it makes life difficult for other people. and it too, will give people a sense that we're very irresponsible. furthermore, its mjc's interhouse games, for heavens sake. its a SCHOOL event. shouldnt we give support to all school events? interhouse games only happens two weeks (correct me if i'm wrong) per year. this mama shop thing, you can open the freaking shop everyday of the year if you want to. if WE want to.

and, hell, i was fine doing it alone ok? in fact, technically speaking, i wasnt even alone.

"they feel that they dont get enough recognition for what they did for the school... very few of them came back for college day... only about 2 or 3... most of the them did quite badly... cant even go university."

i miss those days in cambridge.

honestly, the days in school are comparable to hell. i dont understand what the hell bio is talking about. i dont understand a single shit about vectors. and, can someone please tell me what on earth is a buffer solution?

and i get damn freaking irritated when people keep asking question after question. like, cant you just shut the hell up and accept the whatever shit for what it is? stop questioning as though you are some kind of professor can? after all, you dont go and question your physics tutor why is newton's first law like that and not like this, do you?

and my class. ha. i doubt its even a class. i think i have bad fate with classes. i thought my class started out fine. but as i thought about it, i guessed it didnt. it never was fine. but, as nic ho once said to me, life's like that. you just have to accept whatever shit it gives you.

i pity children. they started out thinking life is so bright and cheery without realising how shitty it really gets.

i know this blog post sounds really moody and stuff, but i'm fine. really. i think. oh, hell. its just pms. i guess.

you can't live in a castle far away.


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