
get up out of your seat,

i was browsing through people's blogs when i came upon this:

"i hate ****.
those people in it SUCK BIG TIME.
jus because they cant laugh with us.
or be as good in drill.
they just diao us.
thats all they can do.
boo boo!"

****. and **** does lousy drills. gee, i wonder who could it be? sad to say though, there are only two four-letter word that does drills. one is npcc and the other one is band. and HAHAHAHAHAHA. who did the good ol' trumpeters (okay, maybe its just me) offend on that fateful saturday in that little eating place called the coffeeshop? none other than the, let me be discreet as well, **!

too much of a coincidence.

FIRST, what makes you think that we want to laugh with you? uh-uh. thanks for your offer, but no thanks. i'd rather laugh with my fellow trumpeters than your fellow bitches, thank you. oh, wait, i'm sorry, none of them who sat with you are bitches. you are the only one. oops. did i just re-offend you?

and, do we look as if we give a damn that our drill is the lousiest among all the ugs? NO. we're a CONCERT ****, not a MARCHING **** after all man. why do drill then, you ask? well, i dont know. perhaps its due to the fact that a drill component is included in the syf?

and, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ms. ** girl, i can so definitely do other things besides diaoing people. i can, for example, breathe! -claps hands.

but, gee, you know why we (i know i did. dont know about the rest though.) diaoed you? it was because, HOHOHOHO, YOU kept staring at us (or more specifically, shikin) for no reason. yep, that's it. from the moment we sat down to the moment we left, your eyes were like practically glued on us. and, honey, it gets real annoying since its like, none of us have anything to do with you!

so next time, i would appreciate it if you would just check out the facts first before you go about dissing us in your blog. 'cause it aint helping my "be less mean" goal when you do that.

besides, you're just letting me get a kick out of dissing you back in my blog.

cheers. =)

why don't you do somethin'?


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