
take that and rewind it back,

so, i've have been keeping my mouth fingers shut about the lil' royal family over the past week. really shut. so much so that there wasnt even a single mention of them at all, despite the fact that there were a lot of things that i could put them down for. alas, all good things must come to an end.

gee, and i was so joyful at the thought that hey! i'm finally less mean!

anyway, as i was saying, there were a lot of things that i could put them down for, like, gee, thinking that hey! they are the best in every single damn thing on earth and the rest are just runner-ups. right. if c. had not pointed out j.'s potential, the two people that will be representing our class on that faithful day will be from the 'lil royal family. everybody put your hands together, clap and say YAY!

and then, there was this other thing that made me feel so, i donno, disgusted.

q.'s & s.'s speeches were the most touching. the most heartfelt. the most real. so much so that i was trying to hold back my tears while listening to them.

g.'s speech rocks. 'cause it takes one thing for a guy to cry alone and quite another to cry in front of many people. in fact, the speeches of all those who came up with him all rocked.

c.'s speech was short, yet she carried her feelings across. and that made it really touching.

q.'s (another!) speech was well, i wont say touching, but it stirred something in my heart. so, yeah it was good.

h's one was touching too.

but yours was totally, i donno, fake? yeah. fake. and it made me feel as though you were just doing it for the sake of seeking attention. yeah.

see, the thing about your b. its like, you're boasting over the fact that, hey, you've got a smart b.

and so do i. in fact, lets be honest, my b. is probably a gazillion times smarter than yours. you need proof?

well, call me back when a) your b. gets into vj and manages to top his class in chemistry. b) your b. gets accepted in nus. in the masters programme or c) your b. gets accepted in (well, lets not be boastful, and just state 3, okay?) harvard, john hopkins & princeton.

you dont see me boasting about those facts in front of the whole school, dont you? (well, okay, i'm boasting in front of every internet users who read my blog, but, -waves aside, that's a totally different manner.)

back to your fakeness. in case you didnt realise, when you feel something, it is normally emote into your voice, yeah? so, in case you didnt notice, your whole speech was devoid of emotion. totally. so did the other person who came out with you. i know, you guys right now are probably going, "how can you be so mean? she cried, okay?!" yeah, i know, she did. but it didnt change the fact that her voice was devoid of emotion as well!

so, i was just thinking, there are people out there who REALLY felt sorry et. all. she, him, her, he. dont you think you should give them a chance to express their feelings first before grabbing the stage and putting on your drama? OH, thats right. i forgot. you are the princess. whatever you do, stays. i see.

anyway, among them, c. was the only one who rocked. -muacks.

but, to show that i wasnt being biased, i disliked some other people speeches as well. but, AH-HA! i shant say which one though. i mean, hey, i dont wanna bash so many people at once. its not good.

and oh, dont think you're so high-and-mighty just because you have a mr. nice boy hanging by your side. in people's eyes, you're still the 'lil princess wannabe's slave. to quote gary, TOO BAD.

anyway, you see, i believe in playing fair. really. REALLY. okay, just take my word for it can?

and i thought you too, believed in playing fair.

how wrong could i get?

and i thought we played unfairly when we approached people's opinion before we submitted the design to you. -snorts. ours was child play compared to yours.

cornering people to vote for your design?

and surrounding the person, asking "are you sure?" repeatedly when they chose otherwise?


well, at least we played fair. even if we lost, we can chose to walk with our heads high knowing that hey! we played a clean game. we played a CLEAN game. in fact, we can choose to walk with our heads VERY high 'cause, well, if we can do it for this class, we can always do it for the beloved class of you-know-what. and if you come running to us, admiring us when that happens, then all we can say will be, "TOO BAD!"

and, please, let me bring back the subject of HOT PINK + BLACK.

baby pink + black looks good. like roomie's bag.

but when one shade of pink looks good with black, it doesnt mean EVERY shade of pink looks good with black.


who wears hot pink + black?

britney spears.

and britney spears is often described as either a) the next madonna or b) a word that rhymes with glut.

and i dont want to be either. 'cause a) is santanic (really!) and b) is well, who wants to be known as a word that rhymes with glut?

only the 'lil royal family. maybe because they are all one in the first place. ha-ha. OKAY! I'M JUST KIDDING!

and anyway, lets not be selfish, shant we? see, when a guy walks past wearing the colour combination of black + hot pink (or any shade of pink for this matter), it can only mean a few things. a) he's a sissy (or a better term: metrosexual.) b) he's a faggot. or 3) he's a sissy faggot. now, which guy (except the metrosexuals, faggots and sissy faggots) in the whole wide world would want to be known as the above three?!

none of the guys i know, i hoped.

case closed.

but if there's one thing that i regretted was e. i mean, hey, e.'s first design was WITHOUT names. 'lil princess wannabe wanted names, so he had to do it all over again. then oops, when 'lil princess wannabe saw our design, she decided that names should not be included after all. and thus, when the other two members of the 'lil royal family decides to design another tee, they decided to not include any name. now, you have THREE designs. one with name, two without. as 'lil princess wannabe decided that having names were not cool anymore, she decides to just strike off the first one. ouch.

but, as you can obviously see, it was our fault. so... sorry e. =(

john vito is tall. jill is short. but they looked great together. but what works for one couple doesnt work for everybody else. so dont think being short is such a great big thing, okay? if you think the shorter is better, than, well, i'll be eternally grateful to you if you would donate to me half of your height. you'll be a midget then. and gee, wouldnt it be easier to find a boyfriend? ha-ha.

and gee. i thought she had a back problem? why is she over at the camp? gee. she's willing to attend some other batch's camp rather than her own? HOW DISGRACEFUL.

and YAY. chelsea LOST and east WON. cheers. =)

any comments, TAG. i'm actually quite sick of telling people to tag. maybe i should just take down my tag. so that if one person dont tag, the whole entire population of darling juniors, phs, alvins, kfs, gilberts, joyces (people who tagged more than once) WILL NOT tag. hooray! -claps. X)

ludacris got the flow to make your booty go (clap).


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