
what goes around comes around,

i didnt tie some loose ends which i ought to tie yesterday, so, -shrugs, here i'm again.

first, i would like to address mr./ms./mrs./mdm. anonymous over there. i know i've replied your tag. but, well, i just cant let you off with such a short statement. when a girl's gotta go, she's gotta go.

so, anyway, i'm not suffering from pms. simply because of the reason that i'm having my M now. HOHOHO. why cant people not tag? then why cant people JUST TAG either? and HELLO, mr./ms./mrs./mdm. anonymous, its MY blog. what makes YOU think YOU have the right to tell ME what i ought to do? but, lets not avoid the question. why cant people not tag? well, who says that they cant not tag? i DIDNT say that, mr./ms./mrs./mdm. anonymous. i merely said, "if you want to read, tag. if you dont want to tag, then dont read." see? they have A CHOICE. they CAN choose not to tag. just dont read my blog. and you call that bossing. okay.

but, i admit. i wasnt really THAT pissed off when people dont tag. i just cant stand it when people obviously have something against what i've said, or something i've said made people pissed off and they just refuse to tag in my blog and tell me what exactly are they pissed off about or when do they think that i've gone too far. yep, they dont. they prefer to suffer, whine, complain and cry foul in silence. no wonder the government is so pissed off with my generation. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO STANDING UP FOR YOUR OWN RIGHTS? this is SINGAPORE for goodness sake. no matter how un-democractic we are, we are still SINGAPORE, not NORTH KOREA. and the worse thing is? you're just up against ME, this little girl who's not even a) five foot five and b) some important person. i'm not HITLER, damnit.

and, another thing which i didnt mention yesterday. dont assume that i'm talking about you when i did NOT state your name. oh, heck. even if i did state your name, what makes you so sure that you're the, say, "tan ah kow" when there are probably another 5 million tan ah kows in the whole wide world? what can make you so sure, huh? WHAT? unless, -snorts, one is guilty of whatever i've said about him/her/it. "ping shi bu zhou kui xing shi, ban ye bu pa gui qiao men." my chinese can be salvaged after all. anyway, yeah. thats what i'm so sick of too. people assuming this. people assuming that. people making asses out of both you and me. COOL.

and, UH-UH. i think i know what you people are probably thinking when i announced this closure, its probably because of what had happened that day. let me assure then, that its NOT. yep.

so, anyway, i'm glad that the blog is able to end on a high. though i did not have any web counters, i can safely assure myself that readership has jumped by leaps and bounds over the past month, no thanks to well, -snorts.

yep. so i hoped i've tied up all the loose ends into dead knots.

and oh, thanks for standing up for us, feeling pissed with us, feeling indignant with us, helping us, cheering us up/on, intercepting on our behalf, et. all. you guys + gals know who you're. you people rock. =)

what goes up must come down.


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